The high point of my work this year was a collaboration with colleague Noel Healy in the US, where we closely investigated the economics of the Green New Deal resolution of Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and Ed Markey, and its fleshing out in Bernie Sanders’ policy papers.
Our main paper on this got published in Energy Research & Social Science
Volume 67, September 2020, just after Sanders dropped out of the Presidential race, but to our surprise the paper took off and became one of the journal’s most read ever and continues to surpass anything either of has have previously done!

•We examine Ocasio-Cortez's and Sanders’ versions of the Green New Deal (GND).
•We show how it intricately combines CO2 reduction with alleviating inequality.
•We critically assess its post-Keynesian economics and tax implications.
•These features offer policymakers a credible route to a better future.
•They also present a challenge for social science based energy research.